Wednesday, October 29, 2008

One in Four: Men Against Rape

For my multimedia story, I plan to cover a seminar called, "One in Four." One in Four is an event sponsored by MEN AGAINST RAPE to educate and inform the men of Towson University on what they can do to prevent sexual assult. One and Four originates from the statistic that "One in four college women have survived rape or attempted rape."

I learned of this event through the Towerlight and thought that not only would it be just an event to cover for class, but an informative awareness meeting about a serious topic prevalent nearby or on college campuses worldwide.

The ad reads the following:
How to Help a Sexual Assult Survivor: What Men Can Do
Thursday, October 30 7:30 p.m.
Chesapeake Rooms
A program for men only

For potential interview sources, I want to talk to the program coordinator, students in attendence and persons of interest that attend the seminar who could provide additional perspectives.

Coordinator Questions:
1.) Who is behind the idea of the program?
2.) What inspired or made you want to do this program for students?
3.) What do you hope students will learn from this seminar?
4.) Is there another seminar coming up or contact information for students?
5.) What do you feel is the main cause behind rape and why does it occur?

Student Questions:
1.) Why did you decide to attend the seminar tonight?
2.) Did you find the presentation informative or helpful?
3.) (tentative) Do you know anyone who has been sexually assulted?
4.) What do you feel is your responsibility as a man against those who look to harm women?

Photo Possibilities:
1.) Shot of the audience in attendance
2.) Shot of coordinator lecturing
3.) Shot of logos, diagrams, phamplets, handouts.
4.) The overall room with everyone.
5.) Looks of the crowd listening and focused.

Monday, October 13, 2008

TU student's attacker caught

Police make an arrest in the rape and kidnapping case of a 21-year-old Towson University student attacked on Oct. 6, officials say. Ian Alexander Murphy (24) of the 1000 block of Cedarcroft Road was charged with the attack. According to police, the victim was unloading groceries outside of a building around 1 a.m. in the 7900 block of Knollwood Road when Murphy forced the woman to the 7600 block of Knollwood, where he assulted her behind some bushes. Following the attack, the woman called police and was treated for her injuries at Greater Baltimore Medical Center.

When it came down to locating her attacker, this proves that people in the community can make a difference. According to the Baltimore Sun article "Man, 24, charged in rape of Towson U. student," the victim could not properly identify her attacker, however, Cpl. Michael Hill, spokesperson for county police department said the department received information and tips about Murphy from "concerned citizens" and obtained a warrant for his arrest.

From my perspective of not only being a college student but a Towson student, I feel that there are too many instances where college students are being assulted or approached by strangers looking to inflict harm. Every week, it appears that there is a new crime alert through e-mail warning students and faculty of an incident such as this one. I heard about this story in the news over the weekend and I heard from police that it was an african american male responsible for the attack. Lately, I've noticed in descriptions of suspects in the recent crime alerts that african american men have been responsible for the crime and it makes me feel upset because I don't want people to think that african american males can't be trusted or respectable men in society.

I honestly believe campus police should work more closely with county police on and off campus to show a hightened presence for the protection and safety of students. I feel its sad when students can't feel safe in their own community anymore. I understand that you can't stop every incident from happening, but at least show improvement in enforcement and patrol to help keep the number of cases down to a minimum.